The Keep in Touch newsletter keeps you informed about the latest happenings at Ronin International, Inc. The newsletter is sent out periodically, typically on a monthly basis. The main topics usually include:
- New White Papers and Other Publications. This section includes new white papers and other publications that Ronin team members are publishing. This section gives an excellent synopsis of this information over the past month.
- Upcoming Events. This section including upcoming public events where Scott Ambler, John Nalbone, and other Ronin team members will be speaking: such as conferences, user group meetings, and other events internationally.
- Final Thoughts. This final section includes any information that Ronin thinks may be of value to you. It may include new service offerings, new contact information, or other key information that is not contained above.
Past NewslettersRonin started this service in April of 2003. Since its inception, the number of people inquiring about this type of information has grown dramatically. In the spirit of constant iterations this newsletter will continue to evolve over time. The historical versions of our “Keep In Touch Newsletters" are available at:
How do I get started?
You can send an e-mail request to to subscribe. You may at any time.
Your e-mail address will be placed on the distribution list for the next Keep In Touch Newsletter to be delivered. We do not to sell, rent, or otherwise release any information about you to anyone outside of Ronin International, Inc.
Do you have immediate questions or comments? Let's chat more about it now!
