In addition to this newsletter as a way to stay in contact with you, we have implemented a new on-line chat service to speak with the people at Ronin -- check out the details at: for more information.
Things have been busy at Ronin. Here is the most up-to-date information:
New White Papers and Other Information
Scott Ambler is busy working on an update to the Object Primer; you should see the third edition released sometime next spring! We are also very happy to announce that Taku Fujii's translation of Agile Modeling has been published. The Amazon Japan URL is: (you may need to load the character set to view this from a US browser).
The August, 2003 column in SD magazine is now online at This article argues that modern software development processes take an evolutionary (iterative and incremental) approach to development, therefore for data professionals to be effective they must also work this way. The article also overviews a collection of agile techniques that data professionals should consider adopting. You will need to register (free) at the site if you are not already a member there.
Interested in Feature Driven Development (FDD)? Check out, a very short description of features in FDD.
A new article regarding user stories can be found at:
Finally, ongoing work regarding artifact descriptions is available at:
Upcoming Events
Scott is speaking this week at the XP Agile Universe conference. Details can be found at:
SD East in Boston is coming up quick in September – please visit for more information. Scott will be presenting a ton of workshops, and I will be there too! Please let me know if you’d be interested in setting up a meeting with Scott and I during this event; I will coordinate it (sign up early – Scott’s schedule is usually packed that week!).
There are some upcoming events in October and November - I will send updates as the dates are confirmed.
Final Thoughts
Thanks for reading this information!
Are you "stuck" trying to convey the right message to your peers or executive management? Ronin has recently released an exciting new service offering -- take a look at our Ronin Assisted Strategic Planning (RASP (sm)) Session information at:
One final thought: If you – or anyone you know – are interested in speaking to us about working together on projects; please send an e-mail to . We will keep you notified of current possible positions with us via that network. We are growing and always looking to work with the best of the best!
I hope all is going well with you and this information is of value. Please feel free to keep in touch with me -- or suggest other topics of interest you would like to hear about.
Have a great day!
Thank you,
Michael Vizdos
Vice President
Professional Services
Ronin International, Inc.
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