New White papers
1. Easing Into Agile Modeling (AM).
There is a fair bit to AM, and some people struggle at first to adopt it. In this white paper Scott Ambler provides advice for how to start out with AM, suggesting a subset of the practices to get you started. Once you've done this you'll discover how easy it is to adopt the rest.
2. Examining the Cost of Change Curve.
Scott Ambler discusses the Agile community’s claims that the cost of change curve flattens with agile development, which is the exact opposite of the cost of change curve for serial development which rises exponentially. He argues that the two curves are based on the same fundamental principles. Read it and see for yourself.
3. The Full Lifecycle Object-Oriented Testing (FLOOT) Methodology.
Scott Ambler summarizes the FLOOT methodology in this paper, something that he first defined in 1997 in his book Building Object Applications That Work. There is a wide variety of testing and validation techniques that developers should be aware of, including code testing techniques
applicable to Test Driven Development (
4. Flashline ( has made available a new white paper that Scott has written entitled "Reuse Opportunities on a Rational Unified Process (RUP) Project".
The paper examines the RUP disciplines one at a time, including the two disciplines added by the EUP (, and suggests opportunities for reuse. This should prove to be a valuable resource for any organization following the RUP.
The paper can be ordered free of chargefrom
Upcoming events
Scott Ambler will be speaking about Agile Modeling ( and Agile Database Techniques ( at the Agile Development Conference in Utah and at the Serverside Symposium in Boston the last week of June.
Visit for details.
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