Scott Ambler is a Senior Consultant with Ronin International, Inc. since its inception in 1999. He actively works with Ronin clients on large-scale software development projects and on software process improvement (SPI) efforts around the world.
Scott is Canadian and still lives in Canada although he spends a large portion of his time consulting in the United States and Europe. He has worked in the IT industry since the mid 1980s and with object technology since the early 1990s. He has written several books and white papers on object-oriented software development, software process, Agile Modeling (AM), Agile Database Techniques, the Enterprise Unified Process (EUP), and other topics.
Scott is a Senior Contributing Editor with Software Development magazine and a member of the Flashline Software Development
Productivity Council. He can be reached via email at .
Scott's current interests focus on:
Other pictures...
Agile Modeling (AM)
Enterprise Unified Process (EUP)
In the Autumn of 1999, Scott initially proposed a new instantiation of the Unified Process within the pages of Software Development that eventually evolved into the EUP. You can read about it at the Enterprise Unified Process (EUP) site and in the four books that Scott co-edited with Larry Constantine:
- The Unified Process Inception Phase
- The Unified Process Elaboration Phase
- The Unified Process Construction Phase
- The Unified Process Transition and Production Phases
Ronin consultants often work with organizations that need honest and unbiased help to tailor the Rational Unified Process (RUP) to meet their real-world needs and I invite you to contact us if you're struggling with implementing a new software process within your organization. Ronin is not an affiliate or partner with Rational Corporation -- we have no party-line to conform to, and can provide you with a full range of options.
Object-Oriented (OO) Development
Most of the development work that Scott does involves object and component technology, usually Java but not always. Scott is the author of two books written for developers about object-oriented development, The Object Primer 2/e (2001), read about it in Ronin's white paper The Object Primer: An Introduction to Techniques for Agile Modeling, and the award-winning Building Object Applications That Work (1997). He is also the author of Process Patterns (1998) and More Process Patterns (1999) which describe a prescriptive methodology for large-scale, object-oriented development. Scott also shares many of his writings online as well, so feel free to browse.
Scott has been involved with several large projects where the persistence of objects was a primary concern. He has written about his techniques for doing so in The Object Primer 2/e (2001), describing the development of a business application, and in Mapping Objects to RDBS, Design of a Robust Persistence Layer, and Database Refactoring white papers. Scott is still amazed that the object community still has not embraced the fact that we need to include physical data modeling within our processes and data models as first class artifacts.
Java and EJB Development
Scott has been developing in Java since 1995 and with Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) since 1999. He's been lucky enough to co-author two books, The Elements of Java Style (2000) and Mastering EJB 2/e (2002), with a great bunch of folks. He is also the author of The AmbySoft Inc. Coding Standards for Java.