The Object Primer:
An Introduction to Techniques for Agile Modeling
The purpose of this white paper is to present a brief overview of possible modeling techniques for object-oriented and component-based development, techniques that you could apply as an agile modeler. Although you will not become an expert at any of these techniques by reading this paper, my hope is that you will at least gain an understanding of what techniques you have available to you and how they fit together. The modeling techniques covered in this white paper include:
- Business rules
- Change cases
- Class responsibility collaborator (CRC) models
- Constraints
- Essential use case models
- Essential user interface prototypes
- Persistence/data models
- Technical requirements
- UML activity diagrams
- UML class models
- UML collaboration diagrams
- UML component diagrams
- UML deployment diagrams
- UML sequence diagrams
- UML state chart diagrams
- UML use case models
- User interface flow diagrams
- User interface prototypes
There are several important messages that you want to take away from this paper:
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is not yet sufficient for the development of business software.
You do not need to apply every single modeling technique available to you on any given project.
You should take an agile approach to modeling.
Download the white paper (~250k PDF)
Related Links:
Ronin International, Inc. continues to help numerous organizations to learn about and hopefully adopt agile techniques and philosophies. We offer both consulting and training offerings. In addition we host several sites - Agile Modeling, Agile Database Techniques, UML Modeling Style Guidelines, Enterprise Unified Process (EUP) - that you may find of value.
For more information please contact Michael Vizdos at 866-AT-RONIN (U.S. number) or via e-mail ().