Time Tracking Project Use Case Specification: Record Time Worked Ronin International, Inc. Version 1.0 Change History Date Version Description Author May 1, 2002 1.0 Initial Draft John Nalbone Record Time Worked Use Case Specification Identifier (A unique identifier for this Use Case) UC10 Description (A couple of sentences or a paragraph describing the basic idea of the use case) This Use Case allows an employee to submit a record of his/her time worked for a specific time period. The company uses this information to invoice clients and to compensate hourly employees. Actors (List of actors that participate in the use case) Employee Goal (The business goal of the initiating actor) A record of time worked per client has been reported to the company. Preconditions (List the states the system can be in before this use case starts) 1. Employee has successfully logged in to the system. Post conditions (List the state(s) the system can be in when this use case ends) 1. A record of the employees time worked has been recorded by the system. Assumptions (List all assumptions that have been made) 1. There is a systematic way to determine if an employee has been authorized for overtime with a specific client. Frequency (Approximately how often this use case is realized, e.g., once a week, 500 times a day, etc.) Weekly for each employee Basic Course (Describe the "normal" processing path, aka, the Happy Path) 1. Use case begins when Employee is ready to submit time worked 2. Employee specifies the week s/he is entering time for Business rules: R1. Weeks begin on Sunday and end on Saturday. 3. The system displays a list of clients that the employee is authorized to bill time against. 4. Employee records billable time spent with each client for each day 5. The system validates time entered Business rules: R2. Time must be in 1/4-hour increments. R3. Total time per day cannot exceed 24 hours. 6. The system displays weekly hours worked per client. [Alternate Course: Unauthorized Overtime] 7. Use case ends when the system indicates to the Employee that the time has been recorded. Alternate Course A: Unauthorized Overtime Condition: Employee has entered overtime that has not been authorized A.6 Alternate course begins when the system determines that the time entered for a client exceeds the time allowed under "non-overtime" rules for that client. A.7 The system indicates to the Employee the client and the total number of hours allowed. A.8 Use case continues at step 4. Included Use Cases (List of use cases that this use case includes) None. Extended Use Case (The use case, if any, that this use case extends) None. Issues (List any "to dos", concerns to be addressed, …) 1. Each client may have different definitions of "overtime". Is this being captured somewhere? 2. Is there a need to capture "non-billable time" per client? Decisions (List any important decisions made during the development of this use case) 1. Overtime is computed weekly only, i.e., > 8 hours per day is okay as long as the total time per week does not exceed the maximum for "non-overtime".